Principles of Epidemiology - Department of Epidemiology - University of North Carolina School of Public Health
- Introduction
- Studying populations
- Epidemiologic measures - Incidence and prevalence
- Natural history of disease / Population screening
- Study designs: Intervention studies
- Study designs: Cohort studies
- Study designs: Cross-sectional studies
- Study designs: Case-control studies
- Selection bias
- Information bias
- Critically reading epidemiologic studies
- Confounding
- Data analysis and causal inference (part 1)
- Data analysis and causal inference (part 2)
- Role of epidemiology in public health
EPID600-Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health
Instructors: Victor J. Schoenbach, Lorraine K. Alexander
University of North Carolina School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology
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