Chest Pain - An overview

The topics covered in the presentation are as bellow

  1. Anatomy
  2. Differential diagnosis of chest pain
  3. Cardiac causes of chest pain
  4. Risk factors for cad
  5. Ischemic chest pain
  6. Acute myocardial infarction
  7. Acute inferior mi
  8. Ecg changes in ischemic heart disease
  9. Valvular heart disease
  10. Acute pericarditis
  11. Tamponade
  12. Chest wall pain
  13. Musculoskeletal pain
  14. Pulmonary causes of chest pain
  15. Cxr: hampton’s hump and westermark’s sign
  16. Pneumonia
  17. Localizing the infiltrate
  18. Pneumothorax
  19. Spontaneous
  20. Asthma
  21. Vascular causes of chest pain
  22. Aortic dissection
  23. Gi causes of chest pain
  24. Esophageal perforation
  25. Approach to the patient with chest pain
  26. Ancillary tests
